Category: Uncategorized

How to Wash Your Cornrows or Ghana Braids (Especially After Working Out)

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Right now, I’m positively obsessed with cornrows and it seems the natural hair world is too.

Long, short… it doesn’t matter- I just adore them!

In fact, I’ve created an entire hair calendar around cornrow styles that I want to rock in 2017 (the obsession is real!)

However, one of the down-sides to cornrows is that they can be a pain to wash especially if you’re like me and you love keeping your hair clean.

There’s nothing more annoying to me than having an itchy scalp that’s covered in icky dirt and build-up; ewww!

I personally have found that build-up and itching is much worse after a workout, especially after any form of cardio.

So, how do you keep your hair clean when it’s in a cornrowed or braided style?

Here is the simple yet effective routine that I recently used and it worked a treat.

  1. Dilute sulphate-free shampoo and water. Ideally poor this mix into a spray bottle and make sure you have twice the amount of water as you do shampoo. A little shampoo goes a long way. Then shake the bottle like there’s no tomorrow.
  2. Spray the mixture onto the parted sections of your cornrows (e.g. your scalp). Don’t apply it to the braided parts of your hair.
  3. Rinse your scalp and then repeat the process but with a conditioner/water combo.
  4. Rinse your scalp again, let it dry a little and then apply a light natural carrier oil like jojoba to your scalp.

If you really want to soothe your scalp and keep it clean, try adding a drop of peppermint or tea tree oil to the carrier oil as both ingredients have anti-bacterial properties and will keep your scalp moisturised and clean.

They’ll also make your scalp feel COOL and tingly, getting rid of any itchiness in the process.

So there you have it, my quick yet super effective method for getting rid of build-up when your hair is braided or cornrowed.

If you liked this post, put a smile on my face by sharing it on social and use the hashtag #mycurlsuk so we can find you and retweet you too!

With love,

Vicky x


Nappy Hair is Strong Hair: Tasha Smith

I recently spotted this wonderful video of actress Tasha Smith discussing black hair  and I absolutely love it!

One of the takeaway quotes for me was when she said:

“Nappy hair is strong hair.”

I love that!

For so long, many of us have deemed our kinky hair as being weak, broken, fragile but in actuality our kinks are strong.

I’ve heard many people (women and men equally) describe kinky hair as “tough” in a derogatory way but we need to swap that word with strong.

Tough gives the implication that our hair is hard to manage, hard to deal with but it’s not.

As us naturally curly girls know, with the right management and tools our hair is really quite easy to handle.

It’s far from being “tough.”

So, the next time someone says you have hard to manage hair, look them in the eye and tell them:

My hair is strong!

Check out the video below and leave a comment sharing your thoughts.


Victoria xo

4 Hairstyles That Will Make You Ditch Your Bonet

There’s a lot of controversy about whether hair bonets are a YAY or NAY for curly girls.

Although they’re great for protecting curls, many men and women feel as if they’re not exactly the cutest of choices when it comes to helping you look great at night time.

So, what’s a girl to do when she wants to look cute for bed but always wants to make sure her tresses are protected?

It’s simple.

She simply needs to check out these gorgeous hairstyle options that will make sure you can protect your curls whilst still looking smoking hot in the bedroom.

What I love about these styles are that they enable you to look great at night and then wake up with perfect hair.

If you like these styles, please share them with a friend. It could just help her to feel and look amazing during the day and at night.

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We’re celebrating in the biggest way ever!

This year has been incredibly busy and the fact that it’s drawing to a close has forced me to reflect on some of the things I could have done better.

Clearly, the new year has the ability to give most of us the push that we need to make changes and it’s certainly done that for me.

my curlsOne thing that I was yearning to do, but never found the time, was change the website and make it more up-to-date and pretty (because who doesn’t love pretty things, right?)

So, I finally did it and am pleased to say that My Curls now has a gorgeous, newly developed site that’s far easier to use but still contains all of our signature products.

I’ve now vowed to make a few more changes in 2017. For instance, updating the blog way more often and answering your burning hair questions at least once a month.

I’m also going to be more active on social media. We have well over 40,000 engaged Twitter and Instagram followers and they’re yearning for more hair inspiration so I’m making a commitment to post more frequently and share some of the great things that we’re doing at My Curls.

Finally, to celebrate all of these new goals and achievements, I’m holding our biggest ever sale and it’s open to all customers no matter where in the world you live. Yes, we now ship internationally which means that our American and Canadian sisters can try out our products with ease.

Click here to view our new website and grab the 30% discount (no coupon code needed!).

Now, it’s over to you.

What changes are you making in 2017?

What do you think you could have done better?

What would you like to see change in the year to come?

Share your thoughts and ideas below. I can’t wait to read what you have to say.

With love,




L’Oréal goes hard for hair & beauty in Africa — AFROBLUSH

L’Oréal, home of renowned brands such as Garnier, Lancôme, Maybelline, Giorgio Armani and Ralph Lauren – has recently launched another research and innovation centre in South Africa. It’s the Group’s… Read More The post L’Oréal goes hard for hair & beauty in Africa appeared first on AFROBLUSH.

via L’Oréal goes hard for hair & beauty in Africa — AFROBLUSH

The Final Word On Leave-In Conditioner

If you’ve been reading about maintaining your natural hair for any length of time, you will have surely come across the innumerable articles and mentions devoted to a simple, yet unavoidable, accessory – leave-in conditioner.

natural hair

To the uninitiated, the dizzying array of jargon and marketing lingo can be at best baffling and at worst wholly off-putting.

Read on below as we attempt to separate the kinks from the kooks and decode the mystery of leave-in conditioner once and for all.

1. What good is it, anyway?
Leave-in conditioner was created in order to reinforce the hair’s natural oils with strength and / or moisture – providing increased ease of styling and assisting in detangling along the way without the usual downsides of weighing down the hair and creating a visibly unappealing buildup on the scalp.

Of course, these aren’t goals singular to the leave-in brand of conditioner: nearly every other natural hair product you’ll see on the shelves of your local Boots will promise the same, often in as many words.

The difference with leave-in conditioner is that the concoctions are manufactured to be lighter as well as conducive to frequent, daily usage – without the unwanted side effects so irrevocably linked with daily hair care.

It’s best used as a third step in your routine, as a means of rinsing out the deeper and more chemical-heavy conditioners that can only be applied during the washing process itself.
What’s in it?
There are five main ingredients in any leave-in conditioner worth its salt.
1. First and foremost on the list is water – as the most efficient hydration agent found in nature, it should come as no surprise that aqua tops the list. Water typically makes up in excess of 60% of the final formula of the conditioner, and for good reason: your hair simply can’t get enough of it!
2. Jojoba oil is about as pure as a natural oil can get; a quality made clear by your hair’s ready acceptance of it upon application. As well as being hassle-free, this nutrient-rich wonder ingredient has been reported to solve a whole host of problems – dandruff, dry scalp problems, thinning hair and hygral fatigue chief among them.
3. Olive oil may seem like a counter-intuitive choice, as its history of use in the preparation of food leads us to imagine our hair becoming greasier than the Italian takeaway down the road.

Fear not, however: by penetrating the hair shaft and retaining moisture, olive oil adds softness and strengthens the hair follicles themselves. We recommend starting out with a tablespoon or two until your hair grows used to this interesting addition to your haircare toolkit.
4. Castor oil is the be-all and end-all when it comes to maximizing your natural hair’s volume. Owing to its high levels of Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids (the beneficial kind!) as well as an exceptionally healthy ricinoleic acid ratio, castor oil is a must-have for anyone who wants to take their natural ‘do to the next level.
Whew! Pretty tiring, right? All those chemicals can get to a gal – and that’s before we’ve even put anything into our hair! While it’s important to understand what it is that makes up the product you’re massaging into your scalp every day, it’s as crucial to try not to be put off by all the scientific jargon.

We encourage your own research into the brand of your choice, as well as consultation with your physician if any extraneous problems rear their ugly head. If you begin to feel daunted, however, do your best to remember leave-in conditioner cannot be that chemically heavy, purely by virtue of its needing to be light and airy in order to effectively cleanse your scalp of the chemicals you just washed it with.
Leave-in conditioner can be a powerful weapon in your haircare arsenal – don’t let the “wall of noise” phenomenon that can arise from too much information put you off and make you miss out on something that could be a potential game-changer for you and your hair.
Do you have any experiences with leave-in conditioner you’d like to share?

Let us know in the comments below!

Light Girls, When Documentaries Get It Wrong

Our Legaci with J.A.M. Aiwuyor

darkorlight Scene from Spike Lee’s School Daze

“If you love yourself, don’t watch Light Girls.”

This is what I told a dear friend of mine after watching the documentary. The film was a sequel to Dark Girls, a documentary about colorism in the African American community. Light Girls was supposed to show the other side of the coin and share the views of women that society labels as “light skinned.” Instead, it turned into a living rendition of  light skin vs. dark skin battles paralleling the epic scenes from, School Daze. Why the disdain? There isn’t enough time to cover everything but here are my top sources of contention with Light Girls.

1. The Denial of Light Skin Privilege

Light Girls perpetuated the stereotype that dark skinned girls are jealous, angry and violent. Rarely was there any nuanced or guided discourse behind light skin privilege. In fact, the topic…

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The Top Six Hair Tips And Tricks That Actually Work

The Top Six Hair Tips And Tricks That Actually Work

From family friends to hairstylists, you may have heard some advice about your strands that doesn’t seem quite right. Well, now you can try these seven tips and tricks that actually work.



Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day

Unless your hair is incredibly oily, you really do not need to wash it every day. In fact, using shampoo on your hair every day can strip it of natural oils. Once you start with this new hair-washing routine, you might start to notice that your hair feels softer. You may wish to consider conditioning your strands each day still. Talk to your stylist about what is best for your locks.

Use Lotion to Tame Frizz

When your strands are filled with frizz, you’ve probably tried numerous ways to bid it adieu. The next time your hair is misbehaving, run some body lotion or hand lotion over your hair. Generally, you want to avoid doing this near your scalp so that your hair doesn’t look greasy, but it can tame frizz elsewhere. Make sure it is already rubbed in your hands so a minimal amount gets on your hair. A little goes a long way with this method.

Low Ponytail to Reduce Frizz

Perhaps you can’t imagine a hairstyle made for sports and quiet nights at home as being one of your biggest styling tools. After you get out of the shower and once your hair is brushed, put it into a low ponytail. This trick can help to get rid of frizz and flyaways so that you have beautiful hair when you take it out.

Don’t Brush Your Hair

As unusual as it sounds, you should try not brushing your hair, particularly if you have curly strands. When you brush curly hair, you are often bringing frizz to the surface and ruining the natural definition of your locks. Use a wide-toothed comb to go through knots and detangle your hair instead.

Go Natural

Wearing your hair as it is might sound like your biggest nightmare, but it can actually turn out to be the best decision that you ever made. There’s nothing wrong with showing off your natural hair color and texture. Throw in a little gel or hair spray if you need to, and you’ll have a sassy style that displays your true personality.

Turn off the Heat

Even if you want to use some products to style your hair and get a certain look, you don’t always need to use heat to do so. Straighteners, curling irons and blowdryers are great for those big nights out, but constantly putting too much heat on your hair can really damage it in the long run.


Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box a little bit and try some ideas that might have previously sounded strange when it comes to your hair.

This is a guest post written by writing expert Anita Ginsburg.Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO and often writes about fashion, health, beauty and family. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing. When it comes to her hair, she personally recommends  remy hair extensions to add length and keep your hair looking healthy.

For hair care tips and the best curly hair products, visit



How to Create a Night-time Hair Routine for Your Curly Hair

curly hair routine night time
Having a curly hair is normally likely to become dry. Hence, the most significant thing is to always keep your hair moisturized. These days, there are a variety of kinds of curly hair products available on the market in order to make your hair look wonderful even during nighttime or before you sleep. Natural creams that are oil-based and lotions are excellent for ringlets and tresses, which offer the care this demanding kind requires to be shiny and smooth.


The primary thing you need to do is to learn what curl types you have. Soft, big waves require different type of treatment contrary to unmanageable, frizzy, kinky curls. Wavy locks have a tendency to be soft and thin, sensitive and fine, hence women need several types of products in order to keep their hair beautiful and beautiful. With utmost care, women will have s-shaped, soft and beautiful waves.
For women who have extremely frizzed, dry ringlets, you possibly require extremely mild shampoo and conditioner.

You need to ensure that you make use of it carefully and only in small amounts.  You need to generously apply the conditioner, comb it gently and leave it for 10 minutes prior to rinsing and before going to bed.
Having a good haircut is one of the important things in having a curly hair. For actually natural, shiny, beautiful styling, you need to invest in alcohol-free, natural moisturizing products. A big, round brush is certainly a must-have in order to get smooth results. Lotions, gels, creams, and mousses are excellent curly hair products as well provided that they are from protective, nutritive and natural ingredients.

Overall, in order to have a silky smooth curly hair prior to going to sleep, you need to ensure that your curly hair products are made from natural ingredients that will not damage your hair!