Nappy Hair is Strong Hair: Tasha Smith

I recently spotted this wonderful video of actress Tasha Smith discussing black hair  and I absolutely love it!

One of the takeaway quotes for me was when she said:

“Nappy hair is strong hair.”

I love that!

For so long, many of us have deemed our kinky hair as being weak, broken, fragile but in actuality our kinks are strong.

I’ve heard many people (women and men equally) describe kinky hair as “tough” in a derogatory way but we need to swap that word with strong.

Tough gives the implication that our hair is hard to manage, hard to deal with but it’s not.

As us naturally curly girls know, with the right management and tools our hair is really quite easy to handle.

It’s far from being “tough.”

So, the next time someone says you have hard to manage hair, look them in the eye and tell them:

My hair is strong!

Check out the video below and leave a comment sharing your thoughts.


Victoria xo

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