The Top Six Hair Tips And Tricks That Actually Work

The Top Six Hair Tips And Tricks That Actually Work

From family friends to hairstylists, you may have heard some advice about your strands that doesn’t seem quite right. Well, now you can try these seven tips and tricks that actually work.



Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day

Unless your hair is incredibly oily, you really do not need to wash it every day. In fact, using shampoo on your hair every day can strip it of natural oils. Once you start with this new hair-washing routine, you might start to notice that your hair feels softer. You may wish to consider conditioning your strands each day still. Talk to your stylist about what is best for your locks.

Use Lotion to Tame Frizz

When your strands are filled with frizz, you’ve probably tried numerous ways to bid it adieu. The next time your hair is misbehaving, run some body lotion or hand lotion over your hair. Generally, you want to avoid doing this near your scalp so that your hair doesn’t look greasy, but it can tame frizz elsewhere. Make sure it is already rubbed in your hands so a minimal amount gets on your hair. A little goes a long way with this method.

Low Ponytail to Reduce Frizz

Perhaps you can’t imagine a hairstyle made for sports and quiet nights at home as being one of your biggest styling tools. After you get out of the shower and once your hair is brushed, put it into a low ponytail. This trick can help to get rid of frizz and flyaways so that you have beautiful hair when you take it out.

Don’t Brush Your Hair

As unusual as it sounds, you should try not brushing your hair, particularly if you have curly strands. When you brush curly hair, you are often bringing frizz to the surface and ruining the natural definition of your locks. Use a wide-toothed comb to go through knots and detangle your hair instead.

Go Natural

Wearing your hair as it is might sound like your biggest nightmare, but it can actually turn out to be the best decision that you ever made. There’s nothing wrong with showing off your natural hair color and texture. Throw in a little gel or hair spray if you need to, and you’ll have a sassy style that displays your true personality.

Turn off the Heat

Even if you want to use some products to style your hair and get a certain look, you don’t always need to use heat to do so. Straighteners, curling irons and blowdryers are great for those big nights out, but constantly putting too much heat on your hair can really damage it in the long run.


Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box a little bit and try some ideas that might have previously sounded strange when it comes to your hair.

This is a guest post written by writing expert Anita Ginsburg.Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO and often writes about fashion, health, beauty and family. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing. When it comes to her hair, she personally recommends  remy hair extensions to add length and keep your hair looking healthy.

For hair care tips and the best curly hair products, visit




  1. nappy headed black girl

    I haven’t brushed my hair in years. Once I stopped relaxing I realized it was doing more harm than good. My hair is fine and was breaking when I brushed it.

    I also don’t use heat, even to dry. I may have to start using a dryer once it cooler, though. I’ve found that as my hair is growing it doesn’t air dry as quickly as it used to or at all. I’ve woken up more than once with hair still damp from a wash the night before. No bueno.


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