Tagged: grow long afro hair

‘Froing To Extreme Lengths: 4 Crazy Things You Could Do To Grow Longer Hair In 2016

'froing to the extreme: hair growth methods for natural afro hair

For some women their hair is too short.

For others it’s too thin.

And for others it’s too thick.

Truth be told that most women (especially women of colour) have a desire to grow longer hair in some shape or form.

The difference however is that most women aren’t willing to go to extreme lengths to grow their hair and would instead prefer a magic pill or potion that could do it for them.

You see, growing longer hair is a bit like being on a diet. You could take diet pills in the hope that they’d magically burn fat 24/7 or you could work out and eat more mindfully.

The second option just sounds like way too much work for most people but at the back of their minds they know that it really is the best way to get lean.

It’s the same thing with hair care. Magic pills sound great but they aren’t the safest or most reliable way of growing longer hair.

So what can you do instead?

And what can you do if you want to grow your hair ridiculously long in under 12 months?

Here are a few extreme hair growth strategies that have worked for some women.

Please note that we are not recommending that you do them and we certainly recommend that you do thorough research before opting for any of these hair growth methods.

Crazy Thing 1. Extreme Bunning.

Bunning simply refers to the process of wearing your hair in a bun for days, weeks or even months on end. Most extreme bunners have a method that works well for them and it consists of something along the lines of comb/brush hair, moisturise heavily, add oils and then place hair in a bun for 3-7 days.

Pros? It works really well for some people. I’ve tried it at various points and it certainly helped with reducing excess breakage and retaining length.

Cons? Wearing your hair in a bun can cause your edges to be pulled tightly which can lead to breakage around the hair line.

It can also be very boring to wear your hair in pretty much the same style every day just for the purpose of growing it to extreme lengths.

Crazy Thing 2: Baggying.


Yeah, I said the same thing when I first came across this method several years ago.

The simplified explanation of baggying is that it involves covering your hair in a plastic wrapping over night. The heat and steam from the bag helps to lock in moisture.

Pros? It can help to keep your hair very soft and moisturised which in turn can lead to hair growth.

Cons? It’s potentially dangerous especially if used improperly. This is something to be very cautious about doing.

Crazy Thing 3: Wigs.

Wigs can be incredible. They allow you to switch up your hairstyle quickly and easily without causing damage to your real hair.

In many ways they are a potential godsend.

They can help with hair growth because they allow you to cornrow your hair and leave it alone for weeks or even months on end which in turn reduces breakage.

Pros? They’re a great option for women who want to protect their hair whilst rocking fun hairstyles.

Cons? Some women develop the habit of becoming so obsessed with making their wigs look great that they forget to care for their real hair (which should always be the focus).

Crazy Thing 4: Pills.

There are hundreds of companies who claim that their pill will stimulate hair follicles, promote growth and increase your hair’s shine. Whilst some of these products might genuinely work, it can be difficult to gage how effective they are.

Pros? It’s an easy method to stick to- take a pill and wait for growth.

Cons? Your hairs rate of growth depends on a variety of factors including genetics, your diet, hair regimen and much more. It’s therefore unwise to solely rely on pills for fast hair growth.

All of the above methods have their advantages and disadvantages and what works for one person might not work for another so it’s important to iterate a little and figure out which method or product works best for you.

I hope you enjoyed this article and as always, leave a comment below sharing which hair growth strategy is your fave.

Victoria xo

1 Quick & Easy Protein Treatment for Natural Hair

mayonnaise hair treatment for natural hair

Mayonnaise Hair Treatment

Many of our customers have asked about quick and natural homemade deep conditioning treatments that work well on naturally curly hair.

Here is a treatment that’s easy to do, uses natural ingredients and has a huge impact on your hair’s strength, elasticity and shine!

Filled with protein, it’s easy to use and simple to purchase. Mayonaise works well on all hair types but is particularly amazing for naturally curly, frizzy and afro hair.

Since most of us have mayonnaise sitting in the fridge, it’s not exactly difficult to get hold of either.


        So how do you use mayonaise for your hair? 

Step 1. Apply water to your hair ensuring it’s damp or relatively wet.

Step 2. Scoop a dollop of mayonnaise into a bowl. For great conditioning, mix the mayonnaise with olive oil and honey.

Step 3. Apply the mayonnaise thoroughly onto your hair and leave for 10-30 minutes (depending on how deep a treatment you need). It’s a good idea to detangle/ comb your hair whilst the mayonnaise is penetrating.

Step 4. Shampoo your hair using mild/warm water (not hot). Depending on your hair type/texture, you may want to detangle after your hair has been shampooed rather than during the mayonnaise stage.

Avoid using hot water as it could make your hair sticky.

Rinsing with cold/warm water will help you get the best results.

Now it’s your turn! This week, take one day to pamper yourself and your hair starting with a deep mayonnaise hair treatment.

Are there any deep treatments that you’ve tried on your hair?

Which ones did you like or love? Tell us in the comments below.

Why Isn’t My Hair Growing?

Have you ever felt like everyone’s hair seems to grow whilst yours seems to be the same length irregardless of how much you try?

Despite protective styling, conditioning, moisturizing, steaming, oiling, plaiting etc, it still feels like your hair hasn’t grown an inch in ages!

The thing is, millions of women feel exactly the same!

To help you, the first question I’m going to as isn’t ‘how long is your hair?’ or ‘how much time do you spend styling it?’

It’s this:

          Are you alive?

If you’re reading this, your heart is pulsing- right? You are breathing- right? Well then, that definitely means you’re alive. Great!

So, if you’re alive and have no underlying health problems then your hair is definitely growing!

That’s a fact.

There’s a big difference between your hair not growing and your hair not being longer or fuller. Click to Tweet!

If your hair is no longer than it was six moths ago that means that you’re not retaining or keeping your new and old hair.

New hair is the hair that grows from your scalp; for instance when a woman who dyes her hair says her ‘roots’ are showing, the roots are new hair.

Whilst new hair grows, the hair that’s already on your head needs to be kept in good condition so that you can have longer hair. Basically, there needs to be a balance between the new hair growing and the current hair staying.

When you achieve this balance then you’ll experience growth. Simple!

For those who are struggling to keep their existing hair from breaking there are two key things you should consider:

Conditioning more frequently and properly!

If you’ve been telling yourself that conditioning is for women with a certain hair texture then you’re very much mislead.

Women with any and every texture that exists, need to condition their hair.

But it’s no use using just any product on your hair. Pick your conditioner carefully. Read the ingredients, look for high quality ingredients like coconut, lavendar oil, Vitamin E and honey.

Look at how much of the good ingredients is in the product you’re considering. For example, in our Coco Curly Conditioner Coconut oil is one of the primary ingredients (we loooove coconut oil!).

Test out different conditioners to see which one works for you and once you find that gem, use it regularly.

Of course, some women have greasier hair and may therefore chose to condition less-which is fine.


Your hair is made from protein which means that regular protein treatments will actually help to strengthen your hair.

Many women with breaking/ damaged hair notice an immediate difference with just one protein treatment simply because protein really helps to  add strength and stop damage.

There’s no need for a salon trip, simply use normal eggs or mayonaise to give your hair a protein boost!


They say patience is a virtue for a reason! It’s so easy to want immediate results whenever we have a goal or desire but the truth is that hair growth takes time!

Contrary to what some people might have you believe, truly healthy hair doesn’t just happen in a day!

Your body needs time to work it’s magic and produce the healthy hair you deserve.

In fact, your body is constantly working and operating and will in time produce the results you desire in terms of your hair growth goals.

Be patient and you’ll reap the rewards.

If you’re stuck for hair style ideas check out our other blog posts.

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